Now who doesn’t like the sound of that?! It’s actually the name of the blog that I have been following via RSS feeds. The blog itself is created and updated by Richard Bryne who is a full time high school social studies teacher in Maine and a Google certified teacher. As well he does presentations and professional development workshops for various organizations and schools. The blog can be found at:
Personally I decided to follow this blog because I thought it sounded interesting and that I would be able to somehow benefit from reading it and I have certainly not been disappointed with those expectations! Not only does Bryne put out several weekly posts, but his blog is full of valuable resources including tutorials for using a large number of the tech tools he discusses. There are video creation resources, Google tutorials for using the Google tools and apps, information on developing blogs and websites, and information on creating an online PLN.
I’ve found this blog to be a wealth of information and would recommend that you follow it as well! Richard Bryne is also on twitter @rmbryne.
Yup, the title of this post definitely caught my attention. Well, I'm taking your advice and following Richard as well. I've only had a quick overview of the site so far, but it does seem to have some really good help along the way. Thanks for the heads up!